I bought some nice blue LEDs for my MV6 from a guy on ebay, so set to fit them today.
Clocks out - check.
Old bulbs out - check.
New LEDs in - erm, no. The ones for the clocks were too long, so physically wouldn't go in!
Tried the smallers ones for the MID - they fitted and worked OK, but merely glowed a faint green colour.
Fired off an email to the guy, asking if I';d done summat wrong, or need to change anything and got this as a reply:
"Hello Peter
I am sorry for this i have to say i have not tried these in an Omega speedo only in vectra
As for the blue leds ligting green it would seem your facelift has yellow filters in MID
Please return leds for full refund
Best regards
So credit to him, he's gonna refund the money - bet he doesn't want to refund the p&p though - yet the ad clearly stated they were for Omega.
Why do people do this?

I'm sure the ordinarly LEDs would work just fine in the clocks, as they are not as long as these works of art............
Our lass was looking forward to having green LEDs in her Elite, so two of us are disappointed now!
Refitted standard bulbs and although the MID lights up OK, the clocks don't - HELP!!!!!