Yes its been a Deja Vu afternoon.
Bastid bolt out. Managed to separate the stat housing from the transfer pipe ok (Ive had it out before).
Cleaned up mating surfaces, then thought about buying a new stat and housing.
Decided as this one has only been on there for about 15,000 miles to smear some blue Hylomar on the mating surfaces and torque it back down.
Will carry on reassembling tomorrow then pressure test it again before bolting all the bits on top.
A bit concerned about transfer pipe O rings is it feels a bit of a slack fit in the stat housing.
Will see if I have any suitable O rings in the shed tomorrow. If not then need to decide whther to source some new ones or just a bit more Hlyomar and say a little prayer.

I really want it back on the road before Saturday.
I have an appointment with a Consultant Saturday morning and its possible he may send me to Romford hospital to be admitted for an Operation on my (alleged) brain.
If that were to happen swmbo would probably feel obliged to visit, and the only one of my cars she would consider driving is the Omega.