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Author Topic: I'm voting Labour  (Read 4650 times)

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I'm voting Labour
« on: 02 May 2010, 03:42:54 »

after much deliberation, soul-searching and examining the pros and cons I've decided that this election boils down to one single issue that towers over all other concerns. It's the economy, stupid  :y

To that end I truly believe that the Tories cannot be trusted to protect jobs, if they get in - I'd love to be proved wrong but they're plans may well be disastrous.

LibDems would sadly be a vote wasted (Ochil and South Perthshire is a 2-horse race between Labour and SNP - in fact it's the SNP's no.1 target with a wafer thin Labour majority).

Whatever everyone thinks of Gordon Brown (and everyone seems to have an opinion) he handles questions on the economy with ease, he knows what he's talking about and what's required and above all seems to make sense.

I don't think most people (me included) actually realise how fragile our economy is - I would be really nervous of Cameron and Osbourne wading in with public sector cuts to appeal to the Tory faithful in some mad experiment with peoples jobs  :(

As a Labour majority looks increasingly unlikely (but not beyond the boundaries of reason) - perhaps the best I can hope for is a hung parliament with a Lib/Lab pact. If they then bring in proportional representation I can vote for who I want....until then I need to vote Labour  :o

now...let me fetch my tin hat  8-)
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #1 on: 02 May 2010, 07:22:14 »

I'd dig a foxhole as well  ;D ;D  cos there might be a bit off incoming with your opinion ::) ::) ::)


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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #2 on: 02 May 2010, 07:48:33 »

I think you'll need more than a tin hat! :o

You may need this...  ;D  ;D

You do talk some sense though, I have never been very keen on Cameron from the first time he raised his head in politics.
« Last Edit: 02 May 2010, 07:48:58 by rainbow »
best wishes

Andy B

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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #3 on: 02 May 2010, 07:57:29 »

If I wanted to vote Labour I'd be voting for Maryam Kahn
A bit like the 27 yr old head of Anti-Personnel where I used to work .... clueless of life.  :-?



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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #4 on: 02 May 2010, 08:24:48 »

Voting??  whats that  ::)
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #5 on: 02 May 2010, 08:25:24 »

voting/ politics the subject like religon has started just as many wars, and my feelinga are.
    why bother ,they all rob the honset hard working christian tax payer.
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #6 on: 02 May 2010, 08:45:48 »

voting/ politics the subject like religon has started just as many wars, and my feelinga are.
    why bother ,they all rob the honset hard working christian tax payer.

but you must have a party which is your least worse choice? theres parties for socialists, reformers, capitilists, party goers, tree huggers, christians, muslims, communists, nazis and bigots - it pains me to say it, but even voting for nazis is better than not voting at all  :o
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #7 on: 02 May 2010, 08:48:27 »

If I wanted to vote Labour I'd be voting for Maryam Kahn
A bit like the 27 yr old head of Anti-Personnel where I used to work .... clueless of life.  :-?

a) she's pretty hot
b) you think she'd actually have any say in what goes on in the government?
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #8 on: 02 May 2010, 08:59:48 »

If I wanted to vote Labour I'd be voting for Maryam Kahn
A bit like the 27 yr old head of Anti-Personnel where I used to work .... clueless of life.  :-?

this is the problem i'm facing too, if i vote for either of our local smiling liars (lib or con) then i'm not voting for PM just the local probability so i'm just not going to vote.

No vote doesn't equal a wasted vote to me but rather "not a wrong vote" ;)
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #9 on: 02 May 2010, 09:00:56 »

I am not sure that what I want to give my vote to anybody.

It certainly wont be Labour, they are the most financialy insecure lot of all time and have ran the exconomy very poorly snce they day they arrived into power.

Jobs must go, particularly in the public sector.


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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #10 on: 02 May 2010, 09:27:41 »

The problem with labour and Brown in particular is that when he talks of jobs he is talking of public sector jobs and does not have any concept as to why this area has become so bloated under his superviison now that cuts have to be made.

I posted a couple of weeks ago that I had put in a freedom of information request abpout my Council.

Out of 4000 employees, 90 of them are earning £9 million between them. These are the employees earning over £50,000 but it is not clear about the amount included for pensions.

If Conservatives do get in then they have to push for these useless managerial positions to be abolished or downgraded as certainly in my area there is no justifcation for paying a CEO £150,000 plus benefits - he is the classic damp rag - totally typical of jobs worth public sector manager.

If we start with this type of job focus and not those cuts that hit services first then there may be a fairer way forward.

Brown does not take into account who has to pay for this lot and some how we have all got to earn more from private sector income generating jobs to divi up the taxes to pay for the public sector.

To do this the economy needs to be stimulated - if Brown pays our ever increasing taxes back to public sector workers this is absolutely no solution at all and will just serve to make us uncompetitve.

Brown is a total muppet and you could see from the debate when he could not understand the issue about the government and the economy.
« Last Edit: 02 May 2010, 09:30:07 by pscocoa »
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #11 on: 02 May 2010, 09:58:12 »

 [size=10]"Only when the recovery is well under way, will it be safe to have extra cuts in government expenditure. The first step is to make sure that growth returns, and thus that tax receipts recover. Rash action now could imperil not only jobs but also the prospects for reducing the deficit."

The economists include Lord Layard, emeritus professor of economics at the London School of Economics; David Blanchflower, a former member of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee; Lord Skidelsky, emeritus professor of political economy, University of Warwick; Christopher Allsopp, director of the Oxford Institute for Energy; Philip Arestis, professor of economics, University of Cambridge, and David Bell, professor of economics, University of Stirling.

i feel like Nickbat with all this cutting, pasting and quoting  ;D :y
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #12 on: 02 May 2010, 09:59:49 »

Another five years of socialism will kill this country off completely.

“You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity. What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving. The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else. When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that my dear friend, is the beginning of the end of any nation. You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it.”

(Adrian Rogers, 1931)

In 2009/10, the Treasury is expecting to take in £140.5 billion in gross income tax receipts. Social security benefits are projected to be £164.7 billion.

Micawber's equation.

Voting for Brown is voting for someone who has driven this country to the edge. Maybe, for some perverse reason, Labour voters want to push it over the edge.

 :( >:(
« Last Edit: 02 May 2010, 10:00:06 by Nickbat »


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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #13 on: 02 May 2010, 10:35:49 »

after much deliberation, soul-searching and examining the pros and cons I've decided that this election boils down to one single issue that towers over all other concerns. It's the economy, stupid  :y

To that end I truly believe that the Tories cannot be trusted to protect jobs, if they get in - I'd love to be proved wrong but they're plans may well be disastrous.

LibDems would sadly be a vote wasted (Ochil and South Perthshire is a 2-horse race between Labour and SNP - in fact it's the SNP's no.1 target with a wafer thin Labour majority).

Whatever everyone thinks of Gordon Brown (and everyone seems to have an opinion) he handles questions on the economy with ease, he knows what he's talking about and what's required and above all seems to make sense.

I don't think most people (me included) actually realise how fragile our economy is - I would be really nervous of Cameron and Osbourne wading in with public sector cuts to appeal to the Tory faithful in some mad experiment with peoples jobs  :(

As a Labour majority looks increasingly unlikely (but not beyond the boundaries of reason) - perhaps the best I can hope for is a hung parliament with a Lib/Lab pact. If they then bring in proportional representation I can vote for who I want....until then I need to vote Labour  :o

now...let me fetch my tin hat  8-)

Banjax is talking sense here - just read his ditty very carefully. ;)

Just ask any former miner or busman here about the Tories for confirmation. >:(

'Better the devil you know' etc; and I ain't wearing a tin hat! :)
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Re: I'm voting Labour
« Reply #14 on: 02 May 2010, 10:39:25 »

See the aviation thread.
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