after much deliberation, soul-searching and examining the pros and cons I've decided that this election boils down to one single issue that towers over all other concerns. It's the economy, stupid

To that end I truly believe that the Tories cannot be trusted to protect jobs, if they get in - I'd love to be proved wrong but they're plans may well be disastrous.
LibDems would sadly be a vote wasted (Ochil and South Perthshire is a 2-horse race between Labour and SNP - in fact it's the SNP's no.1 target with a wafer thin Labour majority).
Whatever everyone thinks of Gordon Brown (and everyone seems to have an opinion) he handles questions on the economy with ease, he knows what he's talking about and what's required and above all seems to make sense.
I don't think most people (me included) actually realise how fragile our economy is - I would be really nervous of Cameron and Osbourne wading in with public sector cuts to appeal to the Tory faithful in some mad experiment with peoples jobs

As a Labour majority looks increasingly unlikely (but not beyond the boundaries of reason) - perhaps the best I can hope for is a hung parliament with a Lib/Lab pact. If they then bring in proportional representation I can vote for who I want....until then I need to vote Labour

now...let me fetch my tin hat 8-)