Help please!
I have found a local garage, that I often use for tyres, who can do the job for a third of that quoted by the Vx dealership. However, they cannot source the part from their normal suppliers, but will fit the parts I acquire from Autodoc.
Trouble is I am nervous about ordering the part as there seems to be a number available from Autodoc, even though they match the parts to my Omega. Can someone confirm please that the following is right given the MOT description of "Track rod end ball joint
OFFSIDE" ..... right equal "Offside"?
I know the manufacturer is a good one, but is that the right part please?

I am not as confident as I used to be, and don't worry about giving your advice, I can show the part once received to the fitting garage and return to Autodoc if necessary. I will, as usual, pay for Autodoc to check the match with my vehicle. Many thanks
If I also purchased ....... would I be replacing the nearside track rod, which would mean I have a complete set for the repair?