without the Adblue nonsense.
Is that a deal breaker? It is something else to top up, but no more frequently than screenwash and just as easy………
When I had errr, I mean somebody I know had Adblue Delete done, the power delivery was instantly noticeably improved. I was not expecting that but it was an added bonus. 
These fellas do it and say it is undetectable:
But.....I wouldn't be confident that an insurance company wouldn't find out in the event of an accident.
It's a valid point.

When they say undetectable, I'm guessing that they are referring to MOT inspections. It would be instantly obvious to a main dealer when they plug in their software as its mapped out, so their standard map would throw up an inconsistency. Some vehicles have the adblue requirement mapped out on a temporary basis as parts (tank pump, line heater etc) are genuinely on back order for many weeks on end. It would be unreasonable to expect someone to have their vehicle off the road for months while awaiting parts, when those parts do not contribute to the running of the vehicle.
You are right though, it's a very valid point.

Incidentally, the pre-facelift version of my car did not have adblue. Same engine, same bhp, but no adblue.