That all may be well and true, but... the interview, or at least the very fact it took place, is a significant event if not quite an historic one.
Such an interview with such an individual is always going to be conditional. It does however show that Putin is prepared to have some form of dialogue and that has to be significant even if you have to take the contents and context with a pinch of salt. Everything he said took place can readily be fact checked.
Comparing it to an Oprah interview with a pair of washed up wannabe celebrities trying to sell books is to do it a disservice. Ok, it wasn't so much an 'interview' as an opportunity for Putin to say his piece without tabloid interference or political bias. In this day and age, that isn't a bad thing.
The last American that Putin spoke to was probably Donald Trump. And yes it's easy to tow the narrative about whom he spoke to and why, at least there was formal conversations had on a regular basis... Keep your enemies close and all that.