Sorry for the delay folks - lots going on here - but managed to find an hour tonight to work on it again.
I've found some software which gives sensible real-time readings of data - v1.13.
Mass Flow Sensor at idle reports as 3.25 g/s, going up to about 13g/s at 3000 rpm and after running for a bit - long term fuel trim on both banks is pegged at +25%
The car got as far as running quite reasonably tonight - but still a little hesitant as you pull away from idle - so doesn't feel right.
Full readings at idle
RPM : 638
Load Value : 2%
Timing Advance (Cyl 1) : 4.5%
MAF Sensor : 3.25 g/s
Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : -8.6%
Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : +25.0%
Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 2) : -13.3%
Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : +25.0%
O2 Sensor 1, Bank 1 : 0.295V @ -8.6% st fuel trim
O2 Sensor 2, Bank 1 : 0.440V
O2 Sensor 1, Bank 2 : 0.685V @ -10.9% st fuel trim
O2 Sensor 2, Bank 2 : 0.435V
Intake Air Temperature 44C
Coolant Temperature 89C
And at c. 3000 rpm
RPM : 3085
Load Value : 9.4%
Timing Advance (Cyl 1) : 34.5%
MAF Sensor : 13.25 g/s
Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : +14.8%
Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : +25.0%
Short Term Fuel Trim (Bank 2) : +18.0%
Long Term Fuel Trim (Bank 1) : +25.0%
O2 Sensor 1, Bank 1 : 0.195V @ +22.7% st fuel trim
O2 Sensor 2, Bank 1 : 0.440V
O2 Sensor 1, Bank 2 : 0.605V @ +22.7% st fuel trim
O2 Sensor 2, Bank 2 : 0.440V
Intake Air Temperature 41C
Coolant Temperature 95C
The intake air temperatures seem pretty high given its about 13C outside right now - but I don't know if the air is drawn through the radiator perhaps.
Now to demonstrate my real level of ignorance in public.... I bought a fuel pressure gauge - but for the life of me, I can't find the Schrader valve to connect it to. Most of the fuel injection system seems hidden under covers - and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to remove... sorry ;-)
Thanks again.
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