Don't you have to pay the lefty tax if you have the means to watch Aunty terrestrially or via the interwebs
The interwebb bit is a grey area, but if you have the means to receive any UK channel at home, via aerials, sats or cable, you have to pay for knobenders and strictly cum masterbating.
This is not correct. Having the means to watch TV is irrelevant, the TV licence is required only if you watch any live broadcast programme, via TV or Internet device, or you watch anything on iPlayer (live or not). So long as what you are watching is essentially on demand and you don't watch live broadcast, you don't need a TV licence.
So watching F1 on Now TV would fall under the category of requiring a TVL.
Oooo, has that recently changed. It seems they now are accounting for online services, which they weren't last time I looked *
Thanks for the clarification
*which in my mind was only a few months ago, but seeing as the covid era has flown past, as probably a few years ago
. Must be age creeping up