IMV when they were privatised their ownership by other state governments should have been prohibited, along with a limit on the maximum percentage of shares in overseas hands.
But that it not how the free market, capitalist system works. You place a nationalised company on the open market, as a listed company, and surprise, surprise you get investors who want profits, not restrictions. Any controls is not how it works. No, the water utilities at least, that rely on a free national, belonging to the people, resource that comes out of the sky, must be nationalised. 
Since when was the EU a free market? 
Incidentally, in some Counties and States in the US, rain water belongs to the County/State and collecting it is illegal.
Right, exactly what I was touching on, but in our
free commercial markets where individuals and companies wheel and deal
freely in stocks , shares, and ownership in business (if you do not think all that is free, just look at Russia or China and other authoritarian states) then almost anything is up for grabs, including "property" that should belong to the people. In the capitalist world all you really need is money, and even so called gegulations, as we often seem, does not stop them gaining that in any way possible.