Merkel has already outflanked May. She has invited May to Berlin for talks. May should have said too busy , you come here.
One of May's first actions has been to scurry up to Scotland to pander to Wee Jimmy Krankie!
Surely as British PM she should have summoned the Wee One to Downing Street!
Talk about the tail wagging the dog! 
I cant see her lying down over this eu in out conundrum , does she really represent the whole of Scotland 
May needs to sort her out , May has the balls to sort anyone out ...or else 
I think Cruella de Vil should call Wee Krankie's bluff and call a snap Indy Referendum in Scotland now, and rather than offer them loads of concessions like last time, May should tell the Scottish people straight that they
will have to have a Scottish currency, there
will be a hard border and if they vote for independence they
will find themselves out of the UK and EU!

That should sort it..... one way or t'other!