Yupp! the usual old billy bullshit from a seller,these people are obviously unaware that there's a wealth of knowledge accumulated here over many years,and when a seller is asked for information,in general it becomes blatantly obvious that they know diddly squat about stuff like the all important cambelt history and the general upkeep of the car.But for the uninitiated, stuff like that could well be a deal breaker if they knew the consequences of the cambelt letting go on the way home from parting with a large wedge of their hard earned.
I'm out of the market for any more Omegas...thank god,but when I was actively looking at cars,the cambelt question when asked either prompted a 'dunno mate' or 'well that's going to be down to you to get it done'...but no reduction in the asking price to cover the work of course. I agree that it's buyer beware and it's your risk,but I have to smile when you read the the long list of recent work done on a car....it's what's not on the list that can be is the worry