Thanks for the compliments folks!
I've 'de-chavved' it since I got it though. It came with a blacked-out Opel grille, and Opel centre caps on the wheels, but the original grille and centre caps were provided. I fitted those in short order!
The boot is de-badged because I took the Opel badge off and realised I didn't have a Vauxhall one to go on, and the steering wheel still has an Opel badge...
It actually had tinted number plates too! I thought they looked somewhat illegal, so again, those were replaced very quickly!
I was actually looking for a 3.2 but couldn't find a good one. This thing still isn't exactly slow though!
Quick question though, where would I find my engine number? I've been looking at oil, oil fiters and sump plugs on euro car parts but they have two variations of everything, depending on before or after a certain engine number. The oil filters are definitely different. One is an element insert and one is a whole screw-on filter!

Admittedly, once I'm at home later I'll just open the bonnet and look at what type of oil filter it has. That'll more than likely answer my questions.
Also, my headlight washers don't seem to be working. I did try them with the lights switched on (as the manual says) and they still didn't spray. Usual suspects for that? It makes me wonder if they're even connected, as the reg number for this comes up as a CD spec, but it seems to be a CDX as it has cruise control and HID lights. Perhaps they were fitted at a later date? The cruise control works fine, but I wonder if the HID lights were a half-arsed job where they just whacked on the bumper with the washers but didn't bother connecting them...
EDIT: After looking at the thread about trim levels, I think it is a CD with stuff added, as I don't have a sunroof either. I wonder how much work it is to remove aftermarket HIDs and just whack in some Osram Nightbreakers instead...