Demo unit is an NCDR1500, but procedure is identical for NCDC2013, NCDC2015, NCDR1100 and NCDR1500, with the exception of front panel removal is slightly different on NCDC units.
Tools required are a selection of small torx bits, long reach Phillips size 0 and miniature nose pliers.
Estimated time take for somebody reasonably comfortable with these sort of stripdowns, 2-3hrs.
Symptoms of a failing laser are random CD ejects, and errors about unable to read CD.
Before removing the headunit from the car, eject any CDs!!This is the pesky part:
Remove the 2 screws holding the top to the amps heatsink:
Prise up the rear corners of the top, and remove the top:
(On NCDR only) Turn the unit over, prise up the corners and remove the base:
(NCDC units, remove CDC unit, see CDC3 swap guide)
Remove the front panel. Be careful, the small clips are incredibly brittle! NCDC units are slightly different, but still have 2 of these clips at top, 2 at bottom, but with an additional clip on each side as well.
Undo the 4 screws holding the CD unit in place:
Rest the CD unit towards the back, do not strain the ribbons:
Where the ribbons meet the connectors on the main board:
Move back the rear part of connector:
This then allows you to unplug the ribbons, and lift the CD unit clear.