'Here we go again'! Let's blame everyone 'except' ourselves. It is my generation and the ones following that are to blame. When we were kids our parents were strict, it was 'perfectly OK' to clout your kid around the head when out shopping, everyone did it. If you complained to your parents about a teacher whacking you, you were told, 'you must have done something wrong then'. Then enter my generation as parents. All of a sudden 'you must have done something wrong then' was changed to. 'They ain't going to do that to my son/daughter'. This spilled over into all walks of life. Teachers and head teachers were suddenly confronted with irate parents making threats, they had to 'back off'. This has just degenerated over the years. Kids learnt very quickly that teachers were cautious about disciplining a child, for fear of the complaining parents. Then we got to the 'kids having kids' era, which sadly, is still with us. Parents are so young that they are more interested in the pursuit of their own pleasures, rather than parenting their kids. Not all parents are 'that young', but woe betide the kids that come home and want some interaction with Dad when, he is 'playing' on the x-box, or chatting to his mate about the latest 'apps' for his phone, the graphics etc etc etc. So the kids from an early age have to sort things for themselves. Many parents cannot wait to grow up so that they can, 'act like kids'?? Rather than treat their kids as kids. "MEN"! 40 years old, 'playing' on x-boxes', it's a toy for God's sake. Witness these forum pages, the amount of posts about 'playing' with your phone, apps, graphics, Mario, etc etc. We leave our kids to 'get on with it'. Then look around for someone to blame.
All of us 'old uns' grew up in a different time, National Service was a great institution, but. There was 'full employment', how would we afford it now?
Take a few minutes break from your PS3 and check out your kids on '2FacedBook' you would be disgusted at what you read, especially from your little girl who, not so long ago was a little thing in pigtails. To me it's almost like a movement toward 'role reversal'. The girls are talking 'publicly' about getting 'smashed', fighting, screwing etc etc. But no! Let's not bother with what the kids are getting up to. 'Blimey! I just got a highest score'. 'Let the teachers and politicians sort em out'.