Having had numerous mobiles over the years but never wanting the latest on the market. I feel its time for something different.
I am not into texting, or the latest gotto have fashion/gadget accessory as a phone. As I just have them for the sake of people being able to contact me or for the sake of an emergeny etc.
My daily carry with me every where is a Nokia 3510i. I have an N gage that has a couple of Vids and a few games on for the traffic jams. I also have a Nokia 66?? somrthing or other that is a camera phone that has Tomtom on it and can be used with my GPS reciever. All the phones were second hand and didnt cost a great deal, so I upgrade as the trends change.
Am now looking for a change, looking for a phone that will cope with the tomtom software, nice screen for games and video's, camera would be good. (handy for taking the odd piccy to post on the forum) but would like something with better sound quality, Polyphonic or where ever the standard went from there.
Dont wanna pay silly money but just want to combine all the bits from the others and gain a few extra's
Not fussed about fllip phones, dont like anything with the aerials protruding allthough they are probally old hat now. Not interested in a new one but somthing nice maybe up to £50 (pushing the boat out this time) Am not into contracts as a fiver top up can last a couple or months or more with me.
Any idea's or suggections what to consider next.