Hm. I can only go off my own experiences.
Can't see any problems with mine at all, its working as it should and I have resolved all of the problems I had before. I have had it checked out, of the back door by a VX techie m8 of a m8 and he said the motor was running as well as it could be, no errors or fault codes given. I must have done something right, there again the software link gives access to the best OBD software there is so I suppose it comes down to how it is installed and used. My USB version works perfectly well on WIN7, installed in Compatability mode, and my serial one likewise. I bought the serial one because many said that the USB version would not work! I shall be trying it on an XP based system when my other Laptop arrives off eBay. Once again I do not expect it to cause me any problems but time will tell.
For more info on the company who supply the software go to;
They are hardly a fly by night bunch of rip off artists considering just what they produce and who uses it.
Like I said - Works for me.
Have a great New Year all.
Edit by jimbob.....No links to illegal software please
(and it was, I checked
