Greetings Omega owners I have a 1996 2L 16V CDX that Ive had for years but around 2011 the plastic radiator end gave way due to bonnet cable rubbing over the years it overheated and headgasket popped.I did the headgasket lapped the valves etc.but by then I had a van from work and its been stood taking up the garage since. But before Christmas someone ran into the side of my van (stoved the passenger door and side load in) so I decided to dust off the old Omega :)its getting there now but times taken its toll. Battery ,alternator, exhaust was knacked could do with some tyres mot failed on emissions still battling new cat/lambda still high CO found a vacuum pipe off today try again,also the nonreturn valve on air injection leaking back and pipe getting hot and pulsing when i squashed the pipe and blocked it brought the CO down not enough though
dont understand how it could effect CO readings? no leakage past shut off valve (bagpipe removal surgery needed ?) once its mot'd plan to tidy up the bodywork. Never Surrender