It happened in a big way in Times Square about 6 months a go, so old news.
One of the main downsides of globalization is that one of the biggest growth areas, as a result, is criminal gangs. All actively encouraged by the terrorist axis of evil, which is Russia, Iran and China. The Western political classes are profiting from it, so they hold their nose and look the other way as they take the £££m, as estate agents, accountants, solicitors and lobbyists, . You own the intellectual property they are pirating, the computing device they are hacking, the bank account they are rifling, tough sh*t, give a solicitor (part of the same establishment) £100,000 in advance and he will take it to court for you.
This is a major reason why the west, with many other stupid decisions to keep the green tree huggers happy, is losing well paid one-too-many manufacturing jobs to be replaced by minimum wage service ones like care assistants and burger flipping. UK productivity crisis appears in the news every so often and these are one of the several real causes.
As part of the establishment don't expect to see it on the #Brexit Broadcasting Corporation, while they are taking a rest from being the Boys Buggering Company.