We converted two thirds of our upstairs into useable accommodation maybe 8 years ago. The rest was pretty much how we found it but obviously with a new roof. We put two new windows in and stained the beams. The floor is traditional chestnut beams with canes laid across and some form of cheap daub on that. We are laying steel rods and 15 cm metal mesh over that and about 6.5 cm of lightweight concrete. Fairly standard process . Gives lightweight, insulation and eliminates bounce. Important for tiling.( Mrs V says remember Boot homes ! Still it is the process who are we to question. We will be long dead by time it rots!)
Anyway we decided on a family bathroom and two bedrooms. To get the bathroom big enough we are using that Jimten device shown in a thread a few days back.You gain up to 30 cm on floor space from toilet stack pipe. Bought it yesterday finally. It will do the job but has some design flaws being nice about it. Can't see why outflows from toilets are 10 cm and we personally use 11 cm grey waste and in between fittings have 9 cm orifices. But there you go. No wonder in hot countries you are asked to throw used toilet paper in a bin, UGHH.
This photo shows first bedroom, then bathroom and second bedroom. in that order.
New sockets are now in and working. Light switches etc are ready to be done(wall points live) but await internal metal and plasterboard walls.
Water pipes are a bit of a problem. We use 15mm John Guest pipe and fittings but are still waiting for the fittings (Bank Holiday both ends )
We are building in redundancy . We have two gas instantaneous heaters. Great but if break down or gas bottle needs exchanging it is a problem. So we are also installing a simple electric boiler and also interconnecting pipework to perm any of three. We have two current distinct user zones. This will be the third.
The board on the left wall is Mrs V's idea of a neat set of connections. Hot one level and cold second level. Bathroom needs three sets of hot/cold and a cold for toilet. Elsewhere in our other two bathrooms we have stop valves on every leg . It has been useful as for example we had a sink tap (Roca not a cheap Chinese marque) fail on.
Keen observers may spot that the bathroom in the centre hasn't got a window yet. Fairly easy job as the recesses already have wooden lintels.
Anyway the window will be above the wooden board in the recess.
Loads and loads left to do. Projects like this take ages for us to complete as the day to day living uses up so much time and we are old gits. And we have loads of projects on the go at any one time. e.g. changing floor tiles in a 2 sq m own designed shower.
Got to do a bit more with plumbing tomorrow and then it is down with the 6 metre by 2 metre metal grids and hopefully we will be concreting on Saturday.
Anyway, hope you found it interesting.