Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Playing homemade cd's on car cd player?
« on: 06 February 2008, 16:52:41 »
i best stop using my left foot to steer my automatic then

Please play nicely. No one wants to listen/read a keyboard warriors rants....
None of the pre-2004 Vauxhall head units are compatable with CDR or RW
Check out previous threads of this forum as has been extensively answered before
Quoteso if i were to accquire a 2013, would it be re-sellable for profit?I have a good, fully working, depaired, NCDC2013 that I intend to sell with the spare GID (or even CID if I can sort a small problem with it).
They fetch good money (esp with CID), but unless you are getting it dirt cheap, by the time you have 'sorted' it, probably not feasible. Also, even if depaired, still needs to be paired to go in the car.
That aside, if its cheap enough, I may be interested
Apologies Murse, it's actually the CCR2006 that I have.