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Messages - Danny

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 437
i best stop using my left foot to steer my automatic then :D

only sayin ::)

None of the pre-2004 Vauxhall head units are compatable with CDR or RW

Check out previous threads of this forum as has been extensively answered before

mine plays my own copied discs

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Day time running Lights
« on: 11 March 2011, 15:01:13 »
are you saying you have actual DRLs fitted in addition to your sidelights or do you have LED bulbs for sidelights?

has the forum suggested the F8 fuse is required for an aftermarket kit in addition to sidelights or do the sidelights use the f8 fuse?

is it not possible that the aftermarket kits come with a fuse?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: headunit question
« on: 17 December 2010, 15:44:37 »
i believe so, but i wasnt looking for one back then :y

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: headunit question
« on: 16 December 2010, 21:11:05 »
i dont know what screen (i.e tid, mid, gid, i just know its not the colour one) but yes Josh its OOG (its 5 minutes away from me)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / headunit question
« on: 16 December 2010, 20:35:53 »
looking at an omega that i believe has had satnav but the stereo has been removed and replaced with a single din fascia and blanking plate

can i assume that sticking a ccr2006 in place will make no difference unless the ncdc was un-paired properly??

also, is a non-working boot-release gonna be possibly down to a fuse?


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: display
« on: 28 January 2009, 17:40:08 »
knocked the brightness dial near the headlight switch? are the button lights dark aswell?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC2013
« on: 27 January 2009, 13:50:51 »
confirmation on the last 2 posts, the siemens units are paired with the screens and therefor means they wont work if just removed from one vehicle and placed in another by means of theft, and when the battery dies or is disconnected, as soon as its got power again the system in its original car recognises the display unit its already paired with and works again without needing the code

my unit and screen decided to "die" one evening and the car was in the garage the following day for a seperate issue, they left the ignition on by accident and flattened the battery, upon recharge i was pleased to find the stereo and screen come back to life!

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC2013
« on: 26 January 2009, 19:03:15 »
so if i were to accquire a 2013, would it be re-sellable for profit?
I have a good, fully working, depaired, NCDC2013 that I intend to sell with the spare GID (or even CID if I can sort a small problem with it).

They fetch good money (esp with CID), but unless you are getting it dirt cheap, by the time you have 'sorted' it, probably not feasible.  Also, even if depaired, still needs to be paired to go in the car.

That aside, if its cheap enough, I may be interested ::)

cheap enough like a tenner??

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC2013
« on: 25 January 2009, 22:09:56 »
might not bother then :P

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: NCDC2013
« on: 25 January 2009, 21:33:10 »
so if i were to accquire a 2013, would it be re-sellable for profit?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / NCDC2013
« on: 25 January 2009, 13:45:18 »
how useless is the headunit if bought completely on its own?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Boot Release
« on: 25 January 2009, 21:31:45 »

both mine would release straight away on the dash button without having to hold it in

did it get changed on newer ones? (mine were 2000 and 2001)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: CCR6000 CD Flap
« on: 02 January 2009, 18:34:20 »

Apologies Murse, it's actually the CCR2006 that I have.  ::)

even though Murse said 6000 i'm pretty sure he means the 2006 aswell!

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