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Messages - jim351

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Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Key reprogramming
« on: 15 March 2021, 09:32:24 »
Ok so ive got an old complete key with a chip in it, ive ordered a new bladr cut to my key numbet so all i need now is Tech 2 to code it, the £140 was for a 2 button key not the 3 button i have, so next question is who has Tech2? There used to be a chap Alton way with it, Kevin Wood from memory?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Key reprogramming
« on: 14 March 2021, 09:11:39 »
Ive recently bought a lovely omega unfortunately ive only got one key for it, i no i can buy a blank to get cut using the key code i have but its the reprogramming side of things, i still have an old key from my last omega that i scrapped can i reprogram that key? Then just swop the blade over? Timsons what £140 for a new key cut and programmed! And thats for a 2 button key! Any help would be great 👍

Omega General Help / Re: Will Monaro top mounts fit an Omega?
« on: 29 August 2015, 20:43:13 »
cool thanks for the link  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Will Monaro top mounts fit an Omega?
« on: 29 August 2015, 20:36:31 »
hi, ive just bought new shocks and new lowered springs for mine, but i want to replace the top mounts while im there so ive been online but the listings show different ones! some are like a big rubber doughnut and the others show a plate with 3 small bolts to mount it, i want to build up the new shocks off the car then just fit them, so which do you think i would need? sorry if its not totally replated to the post..

Omega General Help / Re: Xenons with standard suspension?
« on: 12 May 2014, 19:54:10 »
well then is it as easy as fitting a standard light switch so the can be adjusted?


Absolutely nothing is required with the headlights. They adjust automatically to the attitude of the car, regardless off what suspension is fitted.

Just remove and re fit the suspension as required, and carry in as normal. There's is nothing to be done with the hid system.

If the headlights are then at the incorrect height, adjust them via the head light adjusters on top of the headlights as normal.

....did I mention, there is no need to fiddle with the head light levelling system.

Suspension levelling and head light levelling are completely unrelated.

ok got that many thanks  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Xenons with standard suspension?
« on: 12 May 2014, 19:50:54 »
yeah just read through the post again! lol got it thank for the help  :y


Omega General Help / Re: Xenons with standard suspension?
« on: 12 May 2014, 19:32:25 »
well then is it as easy as fitting a standard light switch so the can be adjusted?


Omega General Help / Re: Xenons with standard suspension?
« on: 12 May 2014, 19:26:21 »
i thought it sorted the headlights out in relation to the suspension? meaning it was controlled together?


Omega General Help / Xenons with standard suspension?
« on: 12 May 2014, 19:20:58 »
Hi all, im thinking of replacing my suspension on my 2001 Elite, my question is when i junk the self leveling what do i do about the headlight adjustment? what else do i need to fit to make the headlights adjust with a normal headlight switch?  :y


General Car Chat / Difference in prices!!!!
« on: 12 October 2011, 21:09:27 »
hi all, i needed a Pair of rear springs for my 2001 Elite, i hunted Fleebay but came up with nothing, my mate went to a few local motor factors which they all replied the same, nothing listed for the self-levelling ones, so i went onto the KYB website (as i found out when i was a manager of a motor factors a few years ago that KYB make the springs and shocks for Vauxhall) and looked in the catalogue, hey presto i found a part number, i gave the part number to my local factors to which they said they could get them for me, so i parted with my £105 inc vat and the next day they were with me, everyones happy!  :) so just out of interest i called my local Vauxhall dealer and they told me they would be £300 + vat the pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  :o how can they charge so much more for EXACTLY the same part!! total rip off or what!!! lol

General Car Chat / My Mustang
« on: 24 September 2011, 15:15:19 »
Hi all well i just thought i would share some details about my weekend at the Hot Rod Drags in my other car, well i got there about 1pm on friday and got 6 runs in before putting the tent up! ive made a few changes to the car recently and wanted to just see how it went before useing the gas, my previous best without gas was 14.7,but i managed 13.8-13.7 launching softly also the shift from 2nd to 3rd is very lazy, anyway we turned the gas on later and sorted the timing, with just 100bhp shot we got a 13.4 then 13.3 so all going the right way, sat was a total wash out, but sunday we played with the timing again and added some powerpoor, i launched abit harder this time but it felt strange then i realised my foot wasnt all the way to the floor! lol at the end we clicked off a 13.22, so i came back round and was one of the last to run, well this time it was shit or bust, i was next to a very quick mk1 RS2000 with a cossie turbo lump which i had seen before, when the lights went i was on the gas from the off and the escort was in front but not by much so i thought either he is going slow or it was a quick run....... well i lost but only just but i didnt complain as my timing ticket read....... 12.56!!!!!!! chuffed to say the least!!!! and all this with an old FMX gearbox thats been in the car for years untouched!! to top the whole weekend off nothing fell off or broke and i drove it all the way there done 8 runs and drove it home! a round trip of about 280 miles! i will post some pictures very soon.....

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: 4 Disc CD players?
« on: 25 January 2010, 17:58:42 »
ok, i see what you mean, failing that if i get another complete unit is there different ones? what i mean is my car has Bose and ive seen these HU fitted to cars without Bose is there a difference in it or does it just need tech2 to sort? sorry if it sounds like a stupid question....


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / 4 Disc CD players?
« on: 25 January 2010, 17:36:00 »
Hi all, i have just had an email back from Dave at DnD (thanks Dave) and he has given me the news that my CCR2006 cd part is fubar'd, so what i need to know is, is the 4 disc player the same one as fitted to other Vauxhall's, if so am i right in thinking i can split the ccr2006and fit the newer disc player to it? i take it the code is in the radio part too?


Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: electric seat problem
« on: 05 September 2009, 22:37:19 »
i never have that much luck, i mean i found a wage packet the other day and the git had 3 days off!!  :D

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: Bose question...
« on: 07 June 2009, 01:19:43 »
lol believe me u cant hear anything when that is running! i have recently made a new exhaust system for it in 3 inch, its soooo loud! lol

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