hi all, i needed a Pair of rear springs for my 2001 Elite, i hunted Fleebay but came up with nothing, my mate went to a few local motor factors which they all replied the same, nothing listed for the self-levelling ones, so i went onto the KYB website (as i found out when i was a manager of a motor factors a few years ago that KYB make the springs and shocks for Vauxhall) and looked in the catalogue, hey presto i found a part number, i gave the part number to my local factors to which they said they could get them for me, so i parted with my £105 inc vat and the next day they were with me, everyones happy!

so just out of interest i called my local Vauxhall dealer and they told me they would be £300 + vat the pair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how can they charge so much more for EXACTLY the same part!! total rip off or what!!! lol