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Messages - Bionic

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Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: Omega 3.0 Elite Auto for sale
« on: 27 January 2014, 17:00:20 »
I have never indicated that I was ungrateful to the OOF sales page at all. Neither am I comparing OOF to Ebay. From where you gained that idea I cannot understand. All I do know is that I described the car fully and accurately and got some PM's that were seeking to pay as little as possible no matter what I had spent or what the car was actually worth. For instance some of the PM's I got, but others members have not seen, were the clear indication of what was to come. More very low offers so I did what any sensible person would do and expend my market place. As you rightly say, I now have ebay costs to pay (under £30.00) but that still puts me well in front of what I was asking here and what I would have probably dropped to for a quick sale. I had never any intention of letting it go for a few hundred so I have no problem with paying the Ebay fees.
It was sold from the buyer looking at the same pictures I had given out to those who had requested them.
I thank the pink one for putting me right on certain matters which could have cost me loads of wasted time and lost money.
I do intend to look for another mig in as top a condition as is possible but that is going to take time because I will not buy anything that is not genuine or fitted with anything other than genuine dealer parts. The migs, at least the top of the range ones such as the Elite are worth at least that consideration by the owner don't you think?
Thanx for wishing me good luck with the new motor, I have no doubt that it will suffice until another mig comes my way good enough for me to buy.   I will truly miss the one that is going  :'( but life goes on :y

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: Omega 3.0 Elite Auto for sale
« on: 27 January 2014, 14:17:07 »
 :D ;D :y
No buyers were forthcoming from Omega lovers so I placed it on Ebay and it sold in under 30 minutes for £600.00. No bidders, just a straight Buy it Now. The buyer has gained a car worth much more but I am not greedy. I have also gave the buyer all of the other bits and parts etc that I have gained from main dealers for it rather than to waste time selling them or breaking for parts a perfectly good, reliable and servicable car. Now just waiting for it to be collected.......... ;D ;D ;D ;D
Well pleased and next time I will go straight to Ebay 'cos this is a lesson well learned.

Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: Omega 3.0 Elite Auto for sale
« on: 25 January 2014, 13:35:01 »
I did try to edit the post after I had seen that it had not fully pasted from my proof copy but that facility is not available.
When I cut and pasted the ad from word the last line did not paste but was this;

I will accept no less than £600 which is what I can exceed if I was selling it for parts.

Cars for Sale & wanted / Omega 3.0 Elite Auto for sale
« on: 25 January 2014, 12:13:22 »
 ::) Sadly the time has come when I must go for a smaller engine size and so the 3.0 must go. It is an automatic with all of the usual Elite refinements including electrically operated and heated leather seats, electric rear window blind, electrically heated adjustable mirrors, Bose sound system, climate control, cruise control, air con, power steering, ABS, etc, the list goes on...... all of which are in full working order. The all important genuine mileage is a fraction over 92K. Strangely it also has two working keys! It is in good nick for its year (1999 on a V plate) and is totally reliable and clean both inside and out (including the engine bay). The colour is Champagne Gold metallic. The wheel rims are alloy and all tyres are less than 3 months old. There is a spare alloy wheel too complete with a fairly new tyre of the same type and size as the others. The spare wheel is of the steel slightly smaller width type and is as new. There are obviously some minor points on the body, nothing severe, requiring attention but there are no holes or dents other than the bonnet (which doesn't look bad anyway). It past its MOT's each year without any problems and is currently tested until July 10 2014 and taxed until end of July 2014. There are some colour matched paints included too just in case.
Not looking for anything exorbitant, just a sensible offer for an honestly described car. Road tests are possible provided that I accompany you. If you cannot show insurance proof I will drive according to your instructions.
Daz (DLK) knows the car so if in doubt ask him.......he will get the first refusal anyway should he want it.
Must go before the end of January cos collecting new car on the 1st Feb.  Email me for pics.

General Discussion Area / Is this really the way forward?
« on: 25 January 2014, 05:50:39 »
Waiting outside of a school a few days ago while I was parked close to a mobile fast food van I had the misfortune to overhear a group of 4 young 'men' and 3 young 'women' aged about 14 discussing what they should do for the rest of the day. Listening closer it transpired that 2 of them had been sent out of the class for some form of misbehaviour and during break they had then been joined by their companions. Those who had been requested to leave the class were relating what the others should do and that was to 'tell the stupid '*wa* ( I presume that was their tutor) to f off and then meet us at the park while we get the 'stuff'. What the 'stuff' is I can only hazard a guess that it is illegal for them to have.
My point is this; Whilst I was at school the teachers were called Sir or Miss, the use of their forename was forbidden, and they were required to be dressed smartly. Their very appearance and attitude commended respect and that was, for the vast majority, what they received from both their school pupils and the general public. Then over a fairly short period of time it was decided by those who should know better that the use of the teachers forename by their pupils would bring them closer to their pupils. From the evidence since then it appears that the respect they once had has now been eroded to a very low point as a result of that practice.
Just as in business a teacher is akin to a manager, it follows that if a manager in any business is without any respect from the workforce they unable to manage efficiently and so the business suffers generally by a lower output than was envisaged. Would a manager in business allow the workforce to dictate what they would or would not do?
Why then when that answer is an emphatic NO why have the so called teaching ‘profession’ allowed themselves to be manipulated to the position that is now prevalent? Where is the discipline and respect? I envisage that the replies to this will no doubt be that it is a minority who are the cause of this. Ok, maybe it is a minority presently but that minority is growing because by the application of ‘peer’ pressure the support of that minority will continue to grow.
The simple answer and solution I suggest would be to revert to those past methods which instilled respect for teachers and that respect being ‘earned’ by the example set by the teachers.
Nuf said………

General Discussion Area / Re: Repairing your cordless batteries
« on: 28 December 2013, 11:54:27 »
 ::) >:( :-X
Tried it with my 18v DeWalt and ended up spending more than a new DeWalt battery would have cost me after having to buy one new cell after another.........
No more repair attempts for me and the instruction book I bought goes into the bin.............
I will also stick to Li-On in the future cos the standard type are more bother than they are worth as my experience demonstrates.
Good luck to those who want to try the repair route though. have a swear box handy too................

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / Re: WANTED CCR2006
« on: 28 December 2013, 11:46:18 »
 :y :y :y
No longer needed cos' I have repaired it myself..............
Cheers, and a happy new year to all...........

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: CCR2006 problem
« on: 28 December 2013, 11:44:34 »
 :y ;D
Spent under an hour this morning and got the job done. Bit fiddly but there again its a miggy and they are bstads to work on anyway so it was not unexpected.
Biggest problem I faced was the sheer number of different driver bits needed! Why oh why cannot the design pillocks (diplomas and no common sense) see that it would be more cost effective to have as many as possible of the parts the same type and size? Stiil, I suppose they have to justify their worth somehow (polishing a seat is not a long job) and make it as difficult as possible for the maintenance guys!
Anyway the job is sorted and many, many thanx for the help.
Now we'll have music wherever we go.............

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: CCR2006 problem
« on: 27 December 2013, 11:24:18 »
 ;D Cheers, Had a looky at that and I have now got the two parts seperated off the spare unit I don't have a code for. Just waiting now for a bit of fine weather so I can get outside and get it swapped over.
Must find those removal tools first though, or revert to fence wire like I had to last time............
Happy days........

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: CCR2006 problem
« on: 27 December 2013, 10:52:57 »
 ::) ???  Any idea of how I take apart/seperate the cd unit from the radio part?

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / Re: CCR2006 problem
« on: 27 December 2013, 10:21:05 »
Hm, I do have another unit but without the code so I reckon I will give it  ago and so if it resolves the problem.
Thanx for the info.... :y

Omega General Help / Re: The big pink one
« on: 27 December 2013, 10:18:56 »
Thanx m8, been out of touch with me so long I thought he had jacked it...........Now the bungalow is sorted I can finally get back to seeing to the old girl again (not the wife)  ;D

Omega General Help / The big pink one
« on: 27 December 2013, 05:35:53 »
 ??? Anyone know if the big pink one (Daz) is still around cos he is not replying to any messages and I may now have his wrong number. Is he still doing his mobile repair work?
Just puzzled is all........ ;)

Omega Electrical and Audio Help / CCR2006 problem
« on: 27 December 2013, 05:31:23 »
 ??? My CCR2006 started to 'hiccup' on tracks and so I took out the magazine to clean the disks and then load a CD Cleaner disk to clean the optics. I cleaned all of the disks that came out and opted to change them for the new ones I had for Xmas. I loaded 3 new ones straight out of their cases (all 3 recent releases on top labels) and then a new CD optic cleaning disk in the 4th slot and put the magazine back in. Now it does not retain the CD Magazine and ejects it immediately telling me that there is 'no magazine'!

The unit has never been abused or given any problems prior to this episode. Any ideas on what is wrong and if I can somehow repair it? I have tried both of my magazines with all new disks with no luck. Then I gave it a good  :-X :-X :-X :-X but still no luck.... ::)

I have also advertised for a unit in the Wanted section in case there is no solution.

Boring with only the radio and the tape is way too slow.............. >:(

Car Parts, bits For Sale & Wanted / WANTED CCR2006
« on: 27 December 2013, 05:13:50 »
 :) Anyone fancy being Santa and selling me a CCR2006 media unit (with code) for a 1999 (V) F/L 3.0 Elite. Must be in good condition and fully functioning.
Mine no longer recognises the CD magazine but plays both the radio and the tape.
Call me on 07704801303 or PM
Thanx in anticipation..............


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