Cars for Sale & wanted / Re: Omega 3.0 Elite Auto for sale
« on: 27 January 2014, 17:00:20 »
I have never indicated that I was ungrateful to the OOF sales page at all. Neither am I comparing OOF to Ebay. From where you gained that idea I cannot understand. All I do know is that I described the car fully and accurately and got some PM's that were seeking to pay as little as possible no matter what I had spent or what the car was actually worth. For instance some of the PM's I got, but others members have not seen, were the clear indication of what was to come. More very low offers so I did what any sensible person would do and expend my market place. As you rightly say, I now have ebay costs to pay (under £30.00) but that still puts me well in front of what I was asking here and what I would have probably dropped to for a quick sale. I had never any intention of letting it go for a few hundred so I have no problem with paying the Ebay fees.
It was sold from the buyer looking at the same pictures I had given out to those who had requested them.
I thank the pink one for putting me right on certain matters which could have cost me loads of wasted time and lost money.
I do intend to look for another mig in as top a condition as is possible but that is going to take time because I will not buy anything that is not genuine or fitted with anything other than genuine dealer parts. The migs, at least the top of the range ones such as the Elite are worth at least that consideration by the owner don't you think?
Thanx for wishing me good luck with the new motor, I have no doubt that it will suffice until another mig comes my way good enough for me to buy. I will truly miss the one that is going but life goes on
It was sold from the buyer looking at the same pictures I had given out to those who had requested them.
I thank the pink one for putting me right on certain matters which could have cost me loads of wasted time and lost money.
I do intend to look for another mig in as top a condition as is possible but that is going to take time because I will not buy anything that is not genuine or fitted with anything other than genuine dealer parts. The migs, at least the top of the range ones such as the Elite are worth at least that consideration by the owner don't you think?
Thanx for wishing me good luck with the new motor, I have no doubt that it will suffice until another mig comes my way good enough for me to buy. I will truly miss the one that is going but life goes on