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Messages - STEMO

Pages: 1 ... 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 [568] 569 570
General Discussion Area / Jeremy Corbyn
« on: 29 October 2020, 13:36:43 »
Jeremy has been suspended from the Labour Party and had the whip withdrawn for his (lack of) response to the anti semitism enquiry. Tee hee.  ;D

Thanks all :y Just heard her shouting and laughing on the phone, I reckon she'll be up and about tomorrow. I'm still gonna give her a wide berth till at least Monday though.
After two weeks off, she might be pleased to see you  :D
I have 'seen' her. She made me download WhatsApp, and you get video calls over the internet. It's getting deleted as soon as she's up, I get no fickin peace with it.

Thanks all :y Just heard her shouting and laughing on the phone, I reckon she'll be up and about tomorrow. I'm still gonna give her a wide berth till at least Monday though.
After two weeks off, she might be pleased to see you  :D
I'm spending the day getting rid of all the crap I've let build up over the past ten days. I've been a bit....erm.......erm.......fickin lazy  ;D

Thanks all :y Just heard her shouting and laughing on the phone, I reckon she'll be up and about tomorrow. I'm still gonna give her a wide berth till at least Monday though.

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 21:58:54 »
Andy B back, too. Yay, welcome back, Andy  :y

General Car Chat / Re: Number plates
« on: 28 October 2020, 21:53:57 »
Welcome back Ste  8)

Re. The numberplates, as far as I can work out, stupid people think they make you invisible to speed cameras.

Whereas in reality a) they don't and b) you are guaranteed to get a tug from any and all coppers who see the plate because it's a guaranteed win for Her Madge's coffers, and that's before they look over the rest of the car.

In a similar vein, people who incorrectly space private plates to nearly spell words or their name. ::)
Thanks, Jimmy. Incorrectly spaced plates are becoming quite the norm around here, as are the darkened plates. As far as I can see, only a traffic cop would bother pulling anyone for the 'offence', and I really can't remember the last time I actually saw one. Local plod are not interested at all, and the few of them I see driving around seem to totally ignore minor transgressions.
Bigger fish to fry in today's world, I'm afraid.

General Car Chat / Re: Number plates
« on: 28 October 2020, 21:20:09 »
I assume his life has lacked any meaning without me there to brighten his day.

The old boy is lost without me. :)
It does brighten my day when the tax on both of your cars are due and you have to part with over a grand.  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 20:30:01 »
If most of the (younger) population belong to the liberal left, then that's obvious the way things will go. But it will be a slow, and probably messy, process, nowt for you or I to worry about. Picture yourself as your own grandad, Albs, always worrying about how the world was going and hankering for the way it was/is. Life goes on, just not for much longer for me and you.  ;D

Well, I was very much on the left when I was young, so I hope the youth of today grow out of it as I did.
My Grandads were long gone before I was born so I wouldnt know about that.  :D
Had a Step Grandad on my Mums side but the only things he was worried about were getting away with theft, GBH and murder. And having an endless supply of booze without working or paying for it ::) ;D
Politics never bothered him, then. All the hot air that is expended won't make a jot of difference, either here or across the pond. Buy your midlife crisis, when the time is right, and fick them all.

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 20:16:55 »
If most of the (younger) population belong to the liberal left, then that's obvious the way things will go. But it will be a slow, and probably messy, process, nowt for you or I to worry about. Picture yourself as your own grandad, Albs, always worrying about how the world was going and hankering for the way it was/is. Life goes on, just not for much longer for me and you.  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 20:06:10 »
America will get the president it deserves. If the electorate vote Trump in for another four years, it will simply confirm, in my mind, that the decline of the nation is almost complete. Biden is pretty useless on his own, but he will listen to the group of advisers he installs. Career politicians, hopefully, not his son, wife, daughter, cousin twice removed.......
Here's a link to the site I use for up to date figures, btw:
And here for Europe:

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 20:03:20 »
America will get the president it deserves. If the electorate vote Trump in for another four years, it will simply confirm, in my mind, that the decline of the nation is almost complete. Biden is pretty useless on his own, but he will listen to the group of advisers he installs. Career politicians, hopefully, not his son, wife, daughter, cousin twice removed.......
Here's a link to the site I use for up to date figures, btw:

I hope she doesn't have any long term effects too. She never really got over mad cow disease  ;D
23 years on and it's still rife in the female population  :(
yet killing them and having burning pyres is frowned upon   :-X
Not in Barnsley.
If i send Mrs Builder up on the next stage coach....
any chance you could ...... :-\   :D
Certainly not! I gave all that up years ago.
Oh.....I see.....sorry  :-[
I'll send her anyway  :P
I can't open the door till next week, so think on it.

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 19:54:19 »
So rumour has it.  :y ;D
You tryin to say I'm a winker?  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 19:48:48 »
Self delusion in the elderly is sad to see.  :)
I'm more of a self abusing type of guy  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: US Election
« on: 28 October 2020, 19:46:38 »
Why dont you far cough again and stay there this time.  :P
You missed me terribly, dint yer?  :-*

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