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Messages - Jay w

Pages: 1 ... 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 [269] 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 ... 289
General Discussion Area / Re: Whos nicked my..........
« on: 24 August 2007, 00:38:23 »
i have a bose amp with the plug and a short length of the loom, i dont have a tray though........

I was thinking £10,000 would be a reasonable sum for such a rare part  ;)

PM me and make me an offer if you are interested, i can bring it to the welsh meet if required

General Discussion Area / Re: This is getting too much.  
« on: 23 August 2007, 12:12:23 »
We seem to be quite lucky currently where we live, that said you can still see a decline in the attitude of the youth today >:(

My stepson is one who i would happily beat some sense of respect into, not only respect for property but also to other human beings irrespective of race, sex and beliefs.
He was brought up by his father who is a lazy, self opinonated bigot, we are now having to undo all of this and try and teach him that that the way forward is not sponging off the state and parents but getting a job, joining society and putting something back into it.
Currently he resides in a room with a bed........everything else has been removed until he learns that if he doesnt buck his ideas up he will be living in a prison cell, he has little concept of right/wrong.

and then he has the gall to ask for a car for his 18th birthday present........i told him to go away in short sharp jerky movements.....

do we have to get to the point where we live in gated communities and have security patrols to support the poilce? I don't always agree with arming police as there is a risk it could escalate the current situation, but i do believe that stronger action should be taken to protect the honest, law abiding joe public as a start i would revoke a lot of these human rights laws that seem to protect the guilty and harm the victims, if you have commited a serious crime then you forefit the rights as a human being ans so should only have nominal rights that protect you as someone who has commited a serious crime against another person/persons.

Personally i think the police to an excellent job, sometimes in the face of adversity and hostility, the question you have to ask is do they have the support in the law that they require?

rant over.....i'll get off me soapbox now

General Discussion Area / Re:  Omega era draws to a close
« on: 23 August 2007, 14:48:46 »
good luck with the sale of the Omegas Fin  :y

Xantia'a are a nice drive, i have had a few of them and they are underrated, the only issue i had with my Estate was the back door used to let water in, seem this is common on them, the back door seal and the wiper grommet are the chief culprits.

General Discussion Area / Re: Is he havin a laugh??
« on: 23 August 2007, 14:26:30 »
hmmmmm if nothing else it is a crap description and his original request of the car being released one month after payment was a joke.

However looking at the ad it looks pretty straight, the seller is in Essex, the car was essex registered when new/brought into country, it could have come in one of two ways, 1) southern ireland or 2) europe as a personal import, maybe the guy served in the forces beforehand

Opel have different specs that we do in the UK, there was a time when you couldn't get the MV6 in the UK it was a europe only model, as it is the basic model maybe opel save the cash by giving it wheel trims and steelies.

just a couple of ideas....still think it is over priced though

I have asked hom a few Q's on Ebay, will see how he responds


The car was bought as a company car, he bought it from the company, the companies head office was germany and they dealt direct with Opel, sounds feasable....

He is selling as he has now bought his new company car off the company and is using that.....

This could possibly be genuine, but as you said Will he hasnt got any fedback which wouldn't help

General Discussion Area / Re: Topgear Clarkson
« on: 19 August 2007, 21:02:37 »
he must like vauxhall seats as the ones on the set of TG are either Omega or Senny ones

General Discussion Area / Re: Topgear Clarkson
« on: 19 August 2007, 20:18:12 »
i read the biography on Clarkson, really fascinating.

Clarkson has made a name for being outspoken, its what people expect of him these days, Vauxhall aren't the only ones who dont like him, there are a few other car makers who have stipulated that he does not review their cars.
People like that of Clarkson, he almost speaks up for the little man, he has an huge amount of influence on the car buying public, when he praised the Monaro and said it was the best thing that Vauxhall had made in a long time Vauxhalls sale shot up, and for the first time in nearly a decade Vauxhall headed up the sales charts.

I remember when the Omega was being phased out Clakson commented that it was a car that handled well but depreciated too quickly because of the Vaux badge (this was around the time he was really anti Vaux)

General Discussion Area / Re: Hmmmmm....YELLOW
« on: 21 August 2007, 23:06:38 »
needs limo tint windoes and then the roof and pillars painting black.............  :y

I like it, looks different

My mechanical knowledge came from a numer of sources.....

14-16 it was tinkering and servicing the old mans cars, MG Maestros, VW scirocco, MG Metro Turbo, and a couple of Cavaliers and a viva!!!

16-25 i worked for a Vauxhall dealers in the workshops, i did a YTS scheme and came out with my C&G, however i have learnt more about 'engineering' since then as all we were was glorified new parts fitters....

25-now Messing round with cars, i have rebuilt a Mk2 cavalier convertible and modified it by lobbing a V6 lump in it, that was after it had been run for 6 months with an XE in it.
I have rebuilt a 1275GT and created a couple of sleepers as well, i love the whole concept of getting an engine to fit in a car that was never designed to have it.
Next project will be a clubman mini with a Vauxhall V6, i know it has been done before, i would like to have a go and see what it would be like.
Currently helping a friend lob a scooby engine into a split screen camper!!  :o it will be a riot when it is finished

I dont think i will ever stop learning moreso because i have such an interest in cars, my daughter seems to be following in my footsteps and i am not sure how i feel about that as the trade has changed sooooo much....and not for the better  >:(

mileometer numerals arent inline, that is normally a bit suspect!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: mobile extension / add-on
« on: 17 August 2007, 00:28:00 »
i use mine from time to time if i dont have pc access, it does mix the layout up a bit though

General Discussion Area / Re: How Hard can this be to fix
« on: 20 August 2007, 18:13:15 »
ahh yes the Jaguar Mondeo........

I cant imagine it would be that hard to put right, and i would imagine it would yield some profit as well

Indeed, but the 8 owners and some vague description puts me off..... :'(

Look at his previous items sold.....if he isn't a trader i will show my backside in argos window

and looking at his prev sold items he is a jag Question would be why has he not got and sorted it out himself?

General Discussion Area / Re: How Hard can this be to fix
« on: 20 August 2007, 18:06:44 »
ahh yes the Jaguar Mondeo........

I cant imagine it would be that hard to put right, and i would imagine it would yield some profit as well

General Discussion Area / Re: Thats what its for then
« on: 20 August 2007, 18:10:14 »
well while he's doing 5 years she will be doing her  ;D ;D ;D

can you imagin the convo that went on before he left home....

Hi: honey where's the rampant rabbit?

Her: Why?  :-?

Him: I want to take it out witbh me, i have a job to do?  :o

Her: don't you go abusing it....that's my fave you know

Him: Tis ok love if it all goes wrong you could be using it a lot more  :o

General Discussion Area / Re: which tent?
« on: 19 August 2007, 12:04:14 »
I prefer my aluminium, wood, GRP, and ABS I think holiday home on wheels

there's nothing like a bit of under the canvas action to make you feel alive  ;D

General Discussion Area / Re: What a idiot!!!!!!!
« on: 20 August 2007, 00:12:37 »
LMAO ........ Gods Country ;D

Oh don't tell me your a Robbie Fan too, and came to Burslem to see where he was born ::)

Bugger. You've got me banged to rights. :-[ I used to like football but now I'm loving angels instead.  ;D ;D ;D

 ;D ;D ;D ;D :y

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