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Messages - TD

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I thought I recognised you from somewhere!  :D


Didn't know you used to be a stripper Ron.  :)

So, your saying you used to frequent male strip clubs  :o :o ;D

General Car Chat / Re: Driving styles and fuel economy...
« on: 31 July 2017, 17:29:30 »
When I first got my Ford, I reset the fuel comp when I got on M4 jn15 on a trip to Heathrow...Drove at a fairly constant 70mpg....didn't set that tends to use more fuel....when I got to Heathrow fuel comp reckoned it had done around 75mpg  :y

Currently the fuel comp is reporting 50.something .... but I haven't reset it in many thousands of miles...and it spends most of its time doing town lucky to go faster than 30mph....actually iirc the fuel comp reckons my average speed is 17mph  ::) ;D

Done a bit of digging and the Capri I drove was a Rockford and was automatic,it was a one off and made for a disabled client originally fitted with hand controls which have since been resides with a Cheshire ford owners group from what I can gather

Tickford not bloody rockford :-[

Wasn't he an American PI in the seventies...iirc...enjoyed watching that  :y

General Car Chat / Re: So what have you done to your car today?
« on: 28 July 2017, 18:34:22 »
Was embarrassed into throwing some water over the big kitty by comments on the Serek thread.  Turns out kitty is black.

Black is one of worst colours for showing time get a silver one...much better at hiding the dirt  :y

Omega General Help / Re: Noisy differential?
« on: 27 July 2017, 17:34:17 »
Has your son put new tyres on the back, since he's had it...

Ive had a couple of sets of cheap tyres that gave a god awful whine....was glad to get rid of them....just an idea  :-\

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Curry night in Swindon?
« on: 27 July 2017, 17:17:20 »
Well , its looking a bit even on which night peeps pefers at the moment  ::) ;D

Thanks. I was in no hurry...until last Monday when he suddenly announced that he wasn't staying at home when he goes to Sheffield uni, ha was going to live in halls  :o Sent me into a state of panic.

He needs a passport to get into Sheffield? Must be worse up then than I'd always thought. ;D
He needs a passport to open the necessary doors for a current account and the like. He really is a PITA, he could have told me this news months ago, and given me time to put things in place.
Personally, I don't think he'll cope, with his Aspergers and all. I could have spent months teaching him the necessary life skills, cleaning, cooking etc., but now I only have 6 weeks, and we're away for a week of that. BAH!

How long does it take to show him how to make beans on toast  ;D
Which is, incidentally, a very balanced meal  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Michael Gove has a plan
« on: 26 July 2017, 18:21:40 »
I reckon most cars being sold now will have a quarter century in them at least. So even if that doesnt improve, you'll be covered up to 2060/70. Not sure how old you are, but i doubt I'll be bothered about driving anywhere after that sort of date.

Mechanically I would probably agree....its all the electronics stuffed into cars these days that will let them down and end their life I disagree overall...
We have no worries with the electrics in our car,'s a Renault  :y

I'll give it 10 years max  ;) ;D Other marques 15  :y

General Discussion Area / Re: Michael Gove has a plan
« on: 26 July 2017, 18:11:15 »
I reckon most cars being sold now will have a quarter century in them at least. So even if that doesnt improve, you'll be covered up to 2060/70. Not sure how old you are, but i doubt I'll be bothered about driving anywhere after that sort of date.

Mechanically I would probably agree....its all the electronics stuffed into cars these days that will let them down and end their life I disagree overall...

General Discussion Area / Re: Warm Home discount...
« on: 23 July 2017, 10:54:55 »
It says you have to be on pension credit.

Yup, rules me out .. :(

That's the 'core' group.....theres also the 'broader' group...where you can apply....

Different energy companies have different rules....heres mine...

I don't get pension credit....not old enough....but I still qualify....suggest you look at your energy company might qualify  ;)

General Discussion Area / Warm Home discount...
« on: 23 July 2017, 10:33:03 »
I mentioned this a few years ago....

But thought I would again, as my energy supplier has just emailed me to apply...

Its time and how many people apply limited.....

But if you qualify..get in quick...its worth the few mins filling out the application form for a £140 rebate off your energy bill  :y

General Car Chat / Re: This isnt good enough!
« on: 23 July 2017, 10:07:47 »
And my runner beans...don't like the heavy rain...several of the flowers have been knocked off..  >:(

Meetings, gatherings, parties etc / Re: Curry night in Swindon?
« on: 23 July 2017, 09:50:15 »
Poll added  :y

I added Tuesday or Sunday, as that's when the curry house does a deal....

A good old fashioned wireless, when they were really a wireless with valves galore and with a glorious warm smell.......ah those were lovely days!! 8) 8) 8) 8) :-* :-* :-* :-*

Nope.....not a wireless be it made of bakelite or something else. :)

It weighs about 10 KG and measures about 18 inches by 10 inches. Bought mainly by middle class women because of the cost. It saved their fingers.

The clues are there. :-* :-*

With those clues.....i'll go for sewing machine.... :-\

Give this man a prize. :y

Yep...a Singer sewing machine from the thirties. The picture is of some sort of diode or capacitor that had failed which meant that the machine would not stop unless the plug was pulled out.

It was located in the foot pedal next to a  type of ceramic brick. Anyway, the internet said to to remove it and all would be well again.

It was. Not sure why it was there in the first place. :y
Yes  :y :)

Its a capacitor...and may have gone short circuit.....hence why you could turn it off... :-\
Removing it may make it work again....but I would suggest you replace it with another capacitor the same value....or it might lead to a demise of the sewing must be there for a reason.... :y

General Car Chat / Re: This isnt good enough!
« on: 22 July 2017, 17:21:16 »
Ooops sorry wrong section....  :-[ ::)

I blame it on Lord Sittapong fella.....his thread surely must be in the wrong section as well  ::) ;D

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