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Messages - splott

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General Discussion Area / Re:  French Lesson
« on: 24 June 2007, 10:02:00 »
What a b*gg*r, pleased that you did not end up with a truck up your ruck though. Reminds me that I must check my oil level. :-[

Hope every thing goes better from now on for you. ;)

I think I limboed under a few of them.

General Discussion Area / Re:  French Lesson
« on: 24 June 2007, 10:00:04 »
The car had just been serviced and the oil level was fine.
The car is not worth the expense of an engine transplant and I havn't got the time. Maybe someone out there might think its worth while.

General Discussion Area / Re:  French Lesson
« on: 24 June 2007, 09:40:08 »
Hi Guys
Got a cheap trip to france a couple of weeks ago. Five star hotel including breakfast, Omega on the train and for two people. Total cost for three nights stay £259.00.
I live on the Wirral but work in Hythe -Kent, so my wife jumped the train from Wirral and I met her at Folkestone station and so our break started.
We went to Belgium and various parts of France and no problem with the Omega.
By the way, the Omega does a 300 mile dash on Friday afternoons and then a 300 mile dash back on Mondays at 3 am. The car drives like a dream even with 140K on the clock.
We jumped the train to come back, after our great break,the car full up with booze and a full tank of fuel- petrol is a lot cheaper in France.
Arrived in the UK at 5 pm got on the M20 and headed off back to the Wirral at great speed. Got to jnt 11 M20 and the Omega  dropped a big end, good style. It was like a mini-explosion, I'm hurling along in the outside lane,the oil light came on and 5 seconds later the Omega just let go.
Try getting an Omega across three lanes and a slip road with no power at speed ,trying to avoid low flying trucks in the pouring rain. Its not one of my 3 best things to do before you die, it was a very hairy moment I tell you.
Any way after that little saga the car ended up in Hythe, Jnt 11 M20 is the Hythe turn off, bit of a coincidence.
I now have a deceased 2.5 Omega estate. If any of you guys want an Omega estate for spares or repair, I have one.
The car is black and was born 1998, died 2007. :'(


Once oil light comes on at speed, you're knackered...
wakes you up when hurling along in the outside lane....

General Discussion Area / French Lesson
« on: 24 June 2007, 09:25:45 »
Hi Guys
Got a cheap trip to france a couple of weeks ago. Five star hotel including breakfast, Omega on the train and for two people. Total cost for three nights stay £259.00.
I live on the Wirral but work in Hythe -Kent, so my wife jumped the train from Wirral and I met her at Folkestone station and so our break started.
We went to Belgium and various parts of France and no problem with the Omega.
By the way, the Omega does a 300 mile dash on Friday afternoons and then a 300 mile dash back on Mondays at 3 am. The car drives like a dream even with 140K on the clock.
We jumped the train to come back, after our great break,the car full up with booze and a full tank of fuel- petrol is a lot cheaper in France.
Arrived in the UK at 5 pm got on the M20 and headed off back to the Wirral at great speed. Got to jnt 11 M20 and the Omega  dropped a big end, good style. It was like a mini-explosion, I'm hurling along in the outside lane,the oil light came on and 5 seconds later the Omega just let go.
Try getting an Omega across three lanes and a slip road with no power at speed ,trying to avoid low flying trucks in the pouring rain. Its not one of my 3 best things to do before you die, it was a very hairy moment I tell you.
Any way after that little saga the car ended up in Hythe, Jnt 11 M20 is the Hythe turn off, bit of a coincidence.
I now have a deceased 2.5 Omega estate. If any of you guys want an Omega estate for spares or repair, I have one.
The car is black and was born 1998, died 2007. :'(

General Discussion Area / Re: Thanks for your help lads
« on: 13 April 2007, 21:03:00 »
Glad to help Splott  :)
I really was  worried as I love this old lady ;)
One of the best motors I have ever had.She earns me a decent crust just by getting me to work.I have had Beemers Alpfas you name it, but the old Omega beats them all. Its the DB. I think its an MV6 next if she eventually packs in, hopefully not to soon though :)

General Discussion Area / Thanks for your help lads
« on: 13 April 2007, 20:47:54 »

I posted this in general help but maybe it was posted in the wrong place.
Your  saved me from a major worry. I would not like to bin the old Omega but I would have to if if the catalisyst had thrown its hand in!
Thanks for the help  :y
The Omega dumped some more hairy stuff yesterday but has been fine since! Still running fine with no extra noise. I don't mind paying out for a new back box but don't want to buy a new catalyst.
The Omega may be old and have a hi mileage but when you put your foot on the go pedel she still takes off like a youngen!
It got me from Hythe in Kent to the Wirral in 3 hrs 40 mins the week before last.Bless the old girl ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: Hello gents
« on: 23 February 2007, 18:45:36 »
Didn't see much of Monterrey, I was working or in a bar. Thanks for the advice I will try to remember not to forget!

General Discussion Area / Hello gents
« on: 23 February 2007, 17:41:24 »
Its along time since I posted anything here  :'( as I have been working in Monterrey in Mexico. 8-)
While I was there I was sat in a Cocktail bar( as you do ) and the owner had an Omega parked out side. A silver face lift model 2.6. Didn't know Omegas could travel that far! By the way the bar was called Liverpool. Strange Hey!
Also is there a way to get on this site using a different email address?As I forgot my password but couldn't get a new one,I couldn't retrieve my private e-mails from Mexico, re company policy.
Nice to be back!!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: A bit of levity
« on: 06 December 2006, 23:02:00 »
Good stuff, if genuine non google!  Either showing your age or a mispent yoof!

Most get it wildly wrong.

heres the full thing.

Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la

One banana, two banana, three banana, four
Four bananas make a bunch and so do many more.
Over hill and highway the banana buggies go
Comin' on to bring you the Banana Splits show

Makin' up a mess of fun
Makin' up a mess of fun
Lots of fun for everyone

Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la

Four banana, three banana, two banana, one
All bananas playing in the bright warm sun,
Flippin' like a pancake, poppin' like a cork,
Fleagle, Bingo, Drooper and Snork

Tra la la, la la la la
Tra la la, la la la la

Wished I was I was as Pi--ed as you!!
What you on!!
Love it!!

General Discussion Area / Re: A bit of levity
« on: 06 December 2006, 22:33:35 »
Hey what about suggestin a jokers corner!!!!! ;D
I could bore you to death with reps jokes :y
This has been fun!!
Still pis--d tho'

General Discussion Area / Re: A bit of levity
« on: 06 December 2006, 22:18:30 »
I know but when youv'e been on here all night downed half a bottle of whiskey and read about that burger guy leavin and i have just paid 380 quid to fix the Omega!!!!!!!!

JUst Joking

General Discussion Area / Re: A bit of levity
« on: 06 December 2006, 22:03:25 »
A duck goes into a bar and aks for a pint of bitter and a packet of crisps.
The bar man says nothing but serves him!
This goes on for a couple of weks and the duck always asks for the same.
The duck does
n't come in for a couple of days.
But a man comes in from the local circus , he get talking to the bar man and tells him that he owns the circus.
The bar man tells the circus owner about the duck that comes in to the bar.
The circus owner leaves his card and says tell the duck to give me a ring as I can give him a job.
The next day the duck comes in and asks for a pint of bitter and a packet of crisps.
The barman tells him that the circus owner can give him a job.
The duck says is that the circus round the corner,made of cloth and full pf holes.
The barman says yes.
The duck says well why the the fu-k does he want a plasterer

General Discussion Area / Re: Moved on
« on: 06 December 2006, 20:26:56 »
Yes, its time to cool everything! As most peeps don't know what its about!!!!!!
But the guy must have effected you OLDIES major style , which we must respect!!!

General Discussion Area / Re: Moved on
« on: 06 December 2006, 19:30:56 »
With all due respect to you guy's as it is nothing to do with me, being a Newby. Something has has happened withein this Omega forum. Which is obviously very profound to you guy's. For my self I don't
know whats happend or upset you or the person that has left. Maybe I have missed a posting or something but to me its such a shame that someone can take such umbrage about something that is posted on on a forum!!!! That's why they are there, to read everybodies or somebodies views, argeeable or not!! Its a shrug of the shoulders,  and you think 'Sound' or you think 'Pratt'.
Just my views ,about something that sounds very heavy for you guy's but I don't know what its about!!!
If I am out of order please forgive me!

Organic and mineral oils degrade at high temps over a certain lenght of time or at very high temps in a very ,very short time! Re check you chip pan! Synths are temperature tolerant!
I do hope you're not suggesting I cook my chips in synth oil  :D ;D
taste better than lard!!! ;D
Healthier too!! ;D

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