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Messages - TheBoy

General Discussion Area / Re: SMS/Text shorthand
« on: 25 August 2006, 10:16:15 »
'Text' abbreviations should be banned.  I don't understand them.  They indicate laziness and degrade The Queens English.    IMHO.
;D  [smiley=thumbsup.gif]

General Discussion Area / Re: SMS/Text shorthand
« on: 24 August 2006, 14:03:02 »
if i wanna send a text at work, I lob the phone to one of the kids and dictate. If i did it, it would take all day....

General Discussion Area / Re: How many Omegas have you owned?
« on: 25 August 2006, 09:43:13 »
Tech2 does make you lazy though - for instance, yesterday when Tunnie and I put the project car back together, the EML came on. Rather than retrace and double check all connections, a quick Tech2 showed it was 'Air Intake Valve 1 Low Voltage' which led us straight to rear multiram not being plugged in...

General Discussion Area / Re: How many Omegas have you owned?
« on: 24 August 2006, 14:05:10 »
But I do get to drive loads, everytime somebody needs a Tech2 connected :D
Unless its just key or remote fob programming, as no excuse to drive it anywhere  :(

General Discussion Area / Re: How many Omegas have you owned?
« on: 24 August 2006, 14:04:22 »
A mere intermediate for me :(

But I do get to drive loads, everytime somebody needs a Tech2 connected :D

Use TomTom with Western Europe maps - should get you part of the way ;)

At the risk of asking a dense question - what is CRX???

Anyway whatever it is - I imagine some sort of driving challenge - the very best of luck!!
Czech wrecks - an event to take a cheap car across Europe....

There is a URL for it, but I don't have it to hand

Best of luck to Dave and Mark, though no doubt I'll be in contact before ;)

How about a good oil thread while Dave is away  ;D
2 moderators remain here...  ;)

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 26 August 2006, 10:53:54 »
It probably is annoying that burgularies etc do not seem priority for police, and most of police we see day to day are traffic police or camera operators...

As I've previously said, I have never had any problems with being stopped, even if the 'Evening Mr Mansell' jokes are crap.  And the coppers are usually genuinely nice people doing a respectable job.

We all know the hassles Markiec had getting the police to turn up after his car was nicked - and its this part of the force that aggrevates me. Its not the coppers themselves, but the system. Not enough plod, and too much beaurocracy. Trouble is, petit criminals know this, so petit crime (probably) increases, knowing there is little chance of getting caught  >:(

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 11 August 2006, 09:31:36 »
I think the recent court case of the copper caught doing 150mph+ claiming he had to get used to the car are a very, very tiny minority, yet picked up by the tabloid press. Obviously his collegues thought he was wrong and booked him....

I can only go by my own experience, and I've found the traffic plod to be pleasant and reasonable every time I've been pulled - even if the "Morning Mr Mansell" type jokes are a little tiresome sometimes...

Also, my GTE days aside, every time I've been pulled, it has always been because I was doing something wrong...

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 10 August 2006, 20:19:01 »
I've obviously had a better experience with the law then you :)

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 10 August 2006, 20:14:33 »
I think my (nice) attitude to Mr Plod is why I always (touch wood) have gotten away with nought more than a bollocking...

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 10 August 2006, 20:06:36 »
The Oxford traffic plod used to pull me DAILY. I had a Astra GTE at the time, and it was when the media caught those joyriders in Blackbird Leys (estate on edge of Oxford) on camera.

My crime? Young, and driving GTE, and out late at night.  However, I was glad they stopped me, at least if it had been nicked, I knew plod was ready to pull anyone over...

General Discussion Area / Re: A wee story
« on: 10 August 2006, 19:56:36 »
Lets face it, we all know the speed limits, if we get caught either by camera or patrol exceeding these limits, its fair cop.

Whilst there are probably scumbag coppers, most are just doing what they are paid to do, and enforcing the rules (made by others).

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