Omega Owners Forum

Omega Help Area => Omega Electrical and Audio Help => Topic started by: V6MILLS on 13 February 2011, 20:49:19

Title: Bose wiring
Post by: V6MILLS on 13 February 2011, 20:49:19
What is the red and white wire from the amp for?
Title: Re: Bose wiring
Post by: charlie on 13 February 2011, 21:12:22
it comes from the radio to tell the amp to turn on,
Title: Re: Bose wiring
Post by: V6MILLS on 13 February 2011, 21:33:12
So its an ignition live?
Title: Re: Bose wiring
Post by: TheBoy on 13 February 2011, 21:52:46
So its an ignition live?
No. Its a signal wire to indicate the radio is on
Title: Re: Bose wiring
Post by: V6MILLS on 13 February 2011, 21:55:09
Wht pin would i connect that to on the ncdr radio?
Title: Re: Bose wiring
Post by: TheBoy on 13 February 2011, 22:02:08
From memory, Pin 6.