For those that have read my other "oh bugger - The end?" post, you will know that my belt slipped a couple of teeth and required me to get spannering! The main thing being re-aligning the cams and fitting a new belt.
So I thought it would be worth sharing how I found it. Bear in mind that the last work I did on a car was 18 years ago, and I made a pigs ear of that! So in the Haynes spanner scale, I would qualify as working up to half a spanner

Firstly, Credits....Massive thanks to....
Theboy - Came round and spent time stripping down the bits to get to the cambelt and putting on the locking kit!
Robin_hood - Responded to my pathetic plea and took his video camera round to Mark DTMs and recorded the change
of the camblet in Laidback's Elite.
Mark DTM - The expert in the vid, brilliant commentary on the vid, and responded to all my noddy PMs and posts in
the thread. Diamond!
Everyone else who offered advice.
The DVD mentioned is pricess, if you look at the other thread you will see my table of tools, the main one is a laptop with the DVD in it, Watch - DO - Watch again!
I can honestly say that doing it with the DVD there as backup, I found it EASY to do the belt, my biggest difficulty was having to keep nipping off to buy tools I didn't have. See list below for what is needed.
So in conclusion, if you are unsure if you are capable of doing a belt kit change, think again, it is really not that difficult a job (assuming you have Mark on the table next to you showing you how

Tools needed.
The Mark DTM instruction video.
Socket set with extension bar.
Adaptors to accomodate the fact that you will need to use 3/8" bits on 1/2" and vice versa for torque setting.
Torx Sockets, Set comprising E10 - E16 for General use, E20 to turn the crank.
Torx bit TX50 (only need this if you need to manually move the cams i.e the old belt had slipped)
Torque Wrench
30mm Ring spanner for the pullys.
13mm spanner and Allen ket to set the tension.
15mm spanner for the AUX belt tensioner.
Mole grips for the sprung loaded pipe grips.
Rubber mallet to persuade the waper pump to come off.
Screwdrivers etc for the jubilee clips etc.
and some patience.
Hope this may inspire someone to give it a go!